Let Go of Regrets: And Be Your Own Boss

By Nadia Sahari

Author, Podcaster, Entrepreneur,

Regrets are a universal part of the human experience, but for women in particular, they can often weigh heavily on our hearts and minds. In order to truly let go and start over, it is essential to recognize and acknowledge those regrets that may be holding us back.

Recognizing regrets is the first step towards healing and moving forward. It requires us to confront those moments in our past where we may have made mistakes or taken the wrong path. It can be painful to revisit these memories, but it is necessary in order to truly let go and embrace a new beginning, we all make mistakes, I certainly have made quite a few. Thank God, he forgives me for them, but I also need to learn to forgive myself. That is the hard part of my life, forgiving myself. I finally have after learning how to do it. That is by knowing and acknowledging that I am a human being and some things I did were out of my control, and some were done to me which were definitely out of my control. Acknowledging regrets means accepting them for what they are – a part of our past that we cannot change. It is important to forgive ourselves for any perceived failures or shortcomings, and to release any lingering guilt or shame. By acknowledging our regrets, we can begin to release their hold on us and make space for new opportunities and experiences. I had to learn how to be my own boss. Not to let others control me. I began my own business adventure. I’ve been an entrepreneur for many years. Mostly I had to, because the men I married were not able to provide for me in the lifestyle I wanted. That’s how I began my journey of being in my own business. I have had many believe me, but they were fun, and they were profitable.

It is also important to remember that regrets do not define us. They are simply moments in time that have shaped us into the women we are today. By recognizing and acknowledging our regrets, we can learn from them and use them as steppingstones towards a brighter future. I have achieved much in my life, but still I am not satisfied. I want to do more, I love helping other women, showing them they can do anything they want to. No one is stumped by ability; it is only the individual that is in the way. Know you can and you will.

Let go! Let God! By recognizing and acknowledging regrets, we can let go of the past and embrace new beginnings with courage and grace. Let my story and other women stories, inspire you to do the same, and to believe in the power of letting go and starting over. If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT! Please subscribe and follow my social media. “I am a little girl in the candy store, eating up all the candy I didn’t have growing up.” https://linktr.ee/nadiasahari Follow and write to me, Like where required. God bless you!

https://linktr.ee/nadiasahari please follow, write to me, Like all my media. God bless you!

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