When Is The Best Time To Write?

By Nadia Sahari

Author, Podcaster, Entrepreneur,

Oh! This is very crucial. It might be best to wake up before the birds start to sing, and before sunrise. If the morning is your choice, make sure you do all your hygiene essentials, have your coffee ready and a bottle of water on your desk. Navigating the path toward uninterrupted writing sessions can transform the productivity and creativity of experienced working professionals. Harnessing the tranquility of specific hours is crucial in the pursuit of a clearminded and prolific writing regimen.

To embark on this journey, it is essential to understand that an ideal time for writing is deeply personal and influenced by individual circadian rhythms. Seasoned professionals tend to have established schedules; therefore, integrating writing sessions requires strategic planning. Start by reflecting on the times you feel most alert and inspired. Early birds might find the predawn quietude perfect for writing, whereas night owls may prefer the hush of the late evening. For a week, keep a log of your energy levels throughout the day to pinpoint these optimal

Once you have identified potential writing hours, commit to testing each one. Dedicate at least three consecutive days to writing during each identified time slot. Do this within your current professional schedule to avoid any unnecessary strain on your routine.

Distraction-proof your environment by informing peers and family of your intentions. Hang a sign on your office door or use social indicators to signal that you are in a focused writing phase. Technology can also serve as a significant deterrent, so employ website blockers and silence notifications to sustain your writing bubble.

Reiterating what was mentioned in the beginning, which is very important, during your designated writing hours, warm up with a brief routine that could include meditation, a cup of coffee, or reviewing your notes. This ritual becomes a psychological signal that it is time to write, creating a smoother transition into your writing zone. So, important, to get you into the mode of writing and clear thoughts for writing.

Stay flexible and attentive to the outcomes of these writing sessions. If certain hours consistently yield low productivity, don’t hesitate to re-evaluate and adjust. It may require a few iterations before you discover the harmony between your professional life and your dedicated writing hours. There’s always room for changing, rescheduling, and moving things around.

By integrating these practices, experienced working professionals can cultivate a disciplined writing schedule that not only augments their productivity but also enriches the quality of their work. You will be amazed that finding your ideal time to write, will definitely help you to publish one book after another. You will find that the word count gets larger and larger and you’re ready to be on Amazon, and all the bookstores in the world. Write On!

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